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Tony Mowbray has revealed that he played a big role in persuading SAFC's Head of Recruitment Stuart Harvey to take the job, back when the pair were at Blackburn together.


"Stuart I think had his reservations [about moving initially] because I think he liked working with me and Mark [Venus]. He actually lived with us in an apartment, it was like three old stooges to be honest!"


"I had to persuade him to come to Sunderland, to be honest. We were so close and he is so good at what he does, the work ethic and the detail is so intense."


"I liked working with him at Blackburn, we had an amazing time, but when the opportunity came around, I spoke to him and likened it to this huge big tanker is going to come flying past your little car. Sunderland can be anything, can't it?"


"It is like a juggernaut coming along on the highway of the Championship. If we can get it right and grow, at some stage, who is going to stop Sunderland with 40,000 passionate supporters?"


"I told him he had to go, and now here I am too because of circumstance. When we get it right here, this is going to be a juggernaut that it is hard to stop. We have to keep ploughing on to where we all want to get to. It's not a short-term thing - as I said we are a juggernaut, not a racing car."

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