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Ahead of the Bristol game on Saturday Tony Mowbray has given his latest update on the fitness of the squad.


“Niall Huggins was back on the grass, but we’ll be easing him back in with a week’s training.”


“Lynden Gooch will hopefully be ready in another couple of weeks – he’s still in the treatment room, but fingers crossed it won’t be too long before he’s back involved. I saw Lynden today, he has a nice new haircut! He'll be ready when he's ready. It was always going to be another couple of weeks in my mind. I always judge when I see them back with their boots on. He's still on a massage bed in the treatment room but fingers crossed it won't be too long. It's not a long-term injury, it will be another couple of weeks I think."


“We have the longer-term absentees in Corry Evans, Elliot Embleton and Ross Stewart, but apart from that everyone seems okay.”


“There'll probably be one or two changes but there won't be wholesale changes. I'm mindful of the fact I'd like to get back to Saturday-to-Saturday [games] then you can manage well-being throughout the week.”


"There are a few knocks, there are a few who don't feel they should train, we're just trying to manage them through. Tomorrow I'll assess who feels they can train, who is flashing amber lights - then see if we can get the balance right. The good thing for me is we have some flexible footballers. We have to get the balance right. We’re trying to manage the players’ workload at the minute and assessing a few – it’s about getting the balance right.”

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