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What should have been a routine win ended up being an extremely hard-fought victory, with a looping Charlie Wyke header separating the two teams. Here’s how the lads rated out of ten...

Lee Burge (6/10): Looked very shaky on the ball, gifting Shrewsbury a couple of chances with his suspect kicking.

Max Power (6/10): Tenacious as always with some solid tackles. The makeshift fullback got forward throughout but failed to provide the attackers with any great crosses.

Jordan Willis (6/10): Didn’t have too much to do but kept the ball moving and utilised his pace and physicality well.

Bailey Wright (7/10): Like Willis, Wright had a quiet game. The difference was that the Aussie man made two crucial clearances, including a header to top the ball over the head of Leon Clarke which would have almost certainly been a goal.

Callum McFadzean (5/10): Caught out time and time again with Shrewsbury’s long diagonal balls. McFadzean is clearly more of a wingback and the sooner Denver Hume comes back the better.

Grant Leadbitter (6/10): A calming influence in the first half, recycling possession well and dictating play. Could have done better to control the game later in the game when Shrewsbury grew in confidence.

Josh Scowen (5/10): Gave the ball away sloppily far too often, although he did win it back well a few times. Scowen simply couldn’t control the game in the second half when we needed to regain possession in the game.

Jack Diamond (6/10): In the first half, the youngster looked bright, with some impressive dribbling and crossing. In the second half though, Diamond struggled to get involved on the opposite wing.

Aiden McGeady (7/10): One of our most influential players in the first half, showing great feet and technical ability. Set up Wyke’s goal with an inch-perfect cross into the box. Faded in the second half as Sunderland started to defend deeper and deeper.

Aiden O’Brien (6/10): Showed good movement off the ball and provided plenty of energy, but didn’t have the end product required to make an impact in front of goal.

Charlie Wyke (7/10): Held up the ball well and linked with the other attackers in the first half. Created a goal out of nowhere with an excellent looping header over Sarkic. However, like many, Wyke struggled to get going in the second half and frustratingly looked increasingly isolated up top.


Chris Maguire (5/10): Had a lot of time on the pitch but barely got involved and I can’t actually remember him completing a successful pass.

Carl Winchester (6/10): Came on to pack the midfield, but ultimately didn’t succeed in relieving the pressure.

Luke O’Nien (N/A): Only played a few minutes in his return from injury.

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