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Current Sunderland manager, Lee Johnson, admitted he was to blame for our disgraceful 6-0 humiliation at Bolton…


“I think I have to take responsibility for that game today. I don’t want to, it hurts to do that but I think I have to because part of my job is to get the boys tactically right but it’s also to get the boys mentally right and focused. Despite believing I did that and my staff did that, we clearly didn’t show that. That bit is on me and we go back to the drawing board where the players as am individual and a collective basis. I feel sorry for the staff.”


“I don’t think anybody has given up. I think everybody has had really poor games. I think we looked disjointed, I think we looked disorganised in terms of that last 20 minutes. People were just coming on and tyring to get on the ball. They were clearly leaving our centre-halves on the ball and playing straight into their hands with straight passes and them nicking it off us. I know it can sometimes look like that but it’s three points. It’s a demoralising three points but I still believe in the players. They ain’t changed. I think we’ve got some good players. I go back to people at AOL that work so hard for less money than they could get somewhere else because of the love of the football club. It changes their week to a positive when we win. It’s those guys that don’t deserve a game like today and moving forward, we’ve got to be stronger.


“We’ve got to do the basics a lot better. I think we didn’t implement one part of our game that’s been so successful this year and it has been successful but we’ve took a pasting. That’s happened on two or three occasions. You might get one a season but we’ve had three or four and that’s been difficult to take on a day like today.”

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