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Updated: Jul 21, 2023

Ahead of Saturday's match against Wycombe Wanderers, we spoke once again to Jonny from the Wanderer Fanzine to look ahead to the early kickoff...

Wycombe are fourth in League One. Are you happy with how things are going?

Overall, yes. We’ve performed more or less as I expected, maybe a little more inconsistent than I’d like, but given what a tough division League One is, I’m happy we’re firmly in the playoff mix and keeping in touch with the top two. There’s always the risk when you get relegated that you can continue to struggle, or your players become disillusioned and we’ve managed to avoid that. There’s definitely room for improvement and we’ve looked a little shaky at the back of late, which hasn’t been helped by the absence of Anthony Stewart and Ryan Tafazolli, although Stewart has now returned to the side. If we can find a bit more consistency and make a couple of sensible additions in the transfer window (we’re crying out for defensive cover) then I think a top six finish is very much achievable.

How has former Black Cat Josh Scowen performed since returning to Wycombe?

He started the season brilliantly and slotted into the team and style of play so easily you could have forgotten he’d ever been away. I know things didn’t work out for him at Sunderland and he wasn’t too popular with a lot of the fans for whatever reason, but he absolutely fits Ainsworth’s system and style of play and is still the same tenacious, energetic midfield terrier that he was when he was 20, but now with a bit more discipline and assuredness on the ball. He suffered an injury in mid-November that saw him miss most of the next month and a half, but he’s recently returned to the side and will no doubt be looking to prove a point to a few people on Saturday.

Earlier this season, you claimed that Sam Vokes was your marquee signing. How’s he been this season?

He’s lead the line very well and is top scorer with seven league goals, which granted isn’t a huge figure, but then we’ve never been particularly high scorers anyway. Initially he linked up with Garath McCleary in a front two, but that’s now evolved into a three with the signing of Brandon Hanlan from Bristol Rovers and when that trio are on song they’re a real handful for defences. He’s come in for a bit of criticism from one or two fans for not scoring more, but I think most Wycombe supporters see what he does for the team and appreciate it. He’s obviously a player with plenty of experience playing at a higher level and he knows how to use his strength and aerial ability to their best effect. He occupies opposition defenders and wins pretty much everything in the air – lots of flick-ons and knockdowns – so even when he’s not putting the ball in the back of the net, he’s creating space and chances for others.

Luke O'Nien is injured for our match on Saturday, but what are your thoughts on the ex-Wycombe man?

Firstly, obviously I’m sorry to hear he’s injured and wish him a speedy recovery. I know he divides opinion among Sunderland fans, but having seen him play both for and against us, I’m well aware what an absolute bastard he is to play against and given that we’ve looked a little flimsy in midfield without Scowen and Dominic Gape, I’m glad we don’t have to worry about Luke running us ragged again, like he did when we visited the SoL in 2020. We all know he’s an expert shithouser and oddly enough we do often seem to struggle to deal with players like that when we come up against them. He did a good job against Anis Mehmeti back in August, both in terms of keeping him quiet and riling him up, so hopefully a quieter game in the middle of the park will work slightly in our favour.

Which Sunderland player worries you the most?

All of them! Obviously Ross Stewart stands out with 15 goals in 28 games, but then you’ve also got Alex Pritchard, who maybe hasn’t scored many but gets a lot of assists, Aiden McGeady, who has a wealth of experience at the highest level and Daniel Neil, who looks like a hell of a prospect for you. If I had to pick one player I’d probably go for Elliot Embleton, who looked really good in our last game against you. Like us, you’re maybe a bit rocky at the back, but you have got an abundance of attacking talent and are scoring for fun at the moment, so our defence are probably going to be in for a difficult afternoon. We heavily rely on our front three for goals and if they have an off day for whatever reason, we often don’t look like scoring, whereas this Sunderland side seem to have goals all over the park.

Which Wycombe player could cause us some trouble?

Like I said, if our front three tick, then we’ll give your defence a good workout. McCleary is just a class above this level and even at 34 has great pace and trickery, but although he’s scored the fewest goals of the three, I’m probably most excited by Hanlan, who has a raw blend of pace and power that makes him a real handful for defenders. I should also mention Mehmeti, who perhaps won’t start on Saturday, but could cause you problems if he does feature (and not just with his right hook). He’s got great feet - really skilful and with an eye for goal. He started the season a little slowly, but single-handedly destroyed Plymouth a few weeks back and seems to be rediscovering last season’s scintillating form. He’s only 20 and still has a lot to learn, as we saw at the SoL, but he’s a real talent who will surely play at a higher level.

What’s your score prediction? Who will get the goals?

To be honest, I’m not feeling too confident about this one! We’ve really struggled for consistency over the last couple of months, whereas Sunderland look to be in great form, after going through a rough patch late October/early November. That said, all bets are usually off when you come to, ahem, ‘Our House’, as on our day we can disrupt and nullify pretty much anyone in this league. The game will probably be a case of seeing who’s defence cracks first, as neither of us have exactly been rock solid at the back this season. Given that you have at least kept consecutive clean sheets in your last two games, I’m going to be a miserable sod and go for a 2-1 win to Sunderland. If we can scrape a draw I’ll be delighted, but I think you probably have a bit too much for us in attack.

You predicted Sunderland to go up finishing second, with the Chairboys finishing seventh. Do you want to change your prediction?

I think I’ll stick with my Sunderland prediction. Wigan were probably the best team we’ve faced this season and if they can get through their games in hand without any disasters then I’d back them to take the title. I think Wycombe will finish in the playoffs, let’s say in fifth place, but I don’t think we’ll go up this season. I’d be okay with that though - we’re heading in the right direction and the future looks bright. I think both Wycombe and Sunderland will be back in the Championship within three years...

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