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Ahead of our last game of 2022 we spoke to our friends at the Mudhutter fanzine to preview tonight as we head down to Wigan who currently sit second bottom.

As we speak, Wigan sit in the bottom three, what has gone wrong this season?

The squad put together in the summer of 2021, was built as a base to consolidate in League One with one eye on having a go at finishing as high as possible, and maybe aiming for promotion to the Championship this season (22/23). If there is such a thing as going up too early, then perhaps we did it. On the back of that, a lack of recruitment in the summer, resulting in areas of the squad that needed improving weren’t, and we have got players that probably aren’t good enough for this standard of football, and a distinct lack of pace and creativity in the team.

We started the season playing ok, without looking convincing overall, but there was a sense that it could click over time. There’s been quite a few games where we have been on top without taking the lead, or took the lead but then sat back instead of pushing for a second – which then the inevitable happens and we concede a goal from a mistake or lack of concentration and it’s as if there’s only one way it’s going to go, and whereas last season (at a lower level) we scored a lot of late goals to win games, it just isn’t happening for us now.

Kolo Toure came in at the end of November, and has took charge of three games so far, drawing one and losing the other two. It’s early days but have things improved from Leam Richardson?

You can definitely see what Kolo is trying to do, it’s obvious he is trying to implement a possession based passing style, but he’s doing it as we go with games coming thick and fast part way through a season. Things under Leam weren’t that bad – I was sort of surprised when the owner’s sacked him but could understand why, the timing wasn’t great and then it seemed strange that we were going after every man and his dog in a scattergun approach. I’d have thought they’d have given Leam the last game before the break and if they were to sack him to have a clear idea of who they’d bring in.

The difference between Leam’s pragmatic style and Kolo’s tiki taka seems stark but if we go back to Leam’s predecessor (and mentor), Paul Cook, he also played a long ball game to Kieffer Moore until he realised that Moore and the others could actually play given the chance. It was hoped that Leam would learn the same quicker, having been through it once already but alas it wasn’t to be. He'll always be a club legend (and that word is thrown around like confetti, but he definitely deserves it) for sticking with us through the administration, everything that happened with Charlie Wyke and then guiding us back to promotion. If Kolo’s style results in us staying up which is this season’s ultimate goal, then it’ll be a job well done. I just fear that it has come at the wrong time to try and implement such a change, part way through a season.

How are the former Sunderland boys all doing this season? Including Broadhead who was with us last season.

Broadhead has done alright and the fans were wanting to see more of him, but Richardson was wanting to protect him a little, which is understandable given his injury record. Same with Charlie Wyke, he’s been in and out and I think he’s being managed carefully in light of what happened and his road to full recovery. He’s certainly been effective when he has been involved, notably setting up Broadhead for the winner away at Birmingham, when we’d been down to 10-men since the 10th minute. Max Power has been on the receiving end of some flack from sections of the Latics’ faithful but has been playing in numerous positions and hasn’t really been playing alongside a regular teammate in midfield to build an understanding and a partnership. That, added to the ball going back to front a lot and over his head has reduced his effectiveness and perhaps the team struggling a little has placed a little more pressure on him to perform. I’ve always found if he keeps it simple and does it well, he can get some much-needed consistency to his game.

The January transfer window is approaching and gives everyone a chance to turn their season around and improve. Where do Wigan need to improve to avoid relegation?

Results are built from a solid defence and we have struggled there overall. Kolo hooked both full backs against Sheffield United, and it appears to be a problem area that he needs to address if he is to implement his style successfully. We’ve looked much better going forward under Kolo than we appeared to do under Richardson but aren’t scoring many, there is a feeling though that goals will come from Keane / Lang / Broadhead and Aasgaard so it’s defence that’s the area of focus

Where’s best for the travelling Mackems to grab a pre match pint?

As always, The Red Robin behind the away end and The Marquee (underneath the away stand) are allocated for away fans.

Last time Simms and Stewart were out injured and you guys chose Jack Clarke as our most dangerous player, who would you say it is now given the fact that we have both our frontmen back?

With the way we’re playing defensively at the minute, those two and with our problems at left-back, Amad Diallo if he gets going could really do us some damage.

We also asked you where both clubs would finish and you predicted we’d be 11th and 12th, now that we’re halfway through the season where would you predict we both finish now?

You’ll finish higher than us, and if we finish outside the bottom 3, we’ll be happy.

The first time we faced each other this season Charlie Wyke scored on his return to the SoL following his cardiac arrest but Sunderland ended up winning 2-1 with goals from Embo and Cirkin, how do you think tonight will pan out?

Not looking forward to it to be honest, your lot travels well and are loud and get behind the team. I think you’ll beat us again, but I’d snatch your hand off right now if you offered me a draw.

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