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Dan Neil has been watching Europe's elite defensive midfielders, as he continues playing as a defensive anchor following Corry Evans' injury...


“It feels different due to circumstances we can’t control. Corry is out for the season so I have to step up because I think I actually am the oldest midfielder in the squad."


“I have had to kind of take on that role which wasn’t probably natural to me last season. I think if anyone said last season I’d play the Corry Evans role everyone would have just kind of laughed because it wasn’t me at all."


“I feel like as the season has progressed I’m growing more into the role, obviously I still have things to work on like everyone does, but that’s the difference this year as I’ve had to adapt to a new role."


“I always watch players, so I watch players who are playing in more attacking roles when Corry is in the team. When Corry is out of the team it’s the likes of Rodri, it’s the likes of Fabinho, Busquets, people like that, top defensive midfielders in the world. You just try and take as many tips as you can. I get best practice clips off Doddsy and we’ll sit and look at them, and I’ll look at them in my own time like the night before a game and stuff. You just try and get any tips and tricks you can off them.”

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