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Tony Mowbray was frustrated by the numerous fouls in today's game against Millwall, but praised his team for standing up to the physical aspects of the match.


"We won't play many football matches like that this season. It was a really intimidating atmosphere, intimidating on the pitch for the players. There seemed to be a thousand fouls in the first half, every time we got the ball there seemed to be a foul against us. We didn't lose the game, we're disappointed that we didn't really bring our game to the party because we weren't allowed to really. Which is great credit to them and the way they play, and the threat they carry from anywhere on the pitch that's coming into your box. There's a bit of frustration we haven't come here and got three points but you have to say that it is a unique atmosphere and environment to play football in."


"It's an unbelievable effort to be honest, for how young this team is for them to come here under this atmosphere and intimidation. And I have to say I thought the officials stood up to the intimidation well today, even though there were 100 fouls in the first half, they didn't give penalties when a 6 foot 7 guy getting marked by a 5 foot 7 guy was falling on the floor every time the ball came into the box. I think we'll take the point, move on and hopefully get back to the way we want to do it as soon as we can. There are no rules that tell you to play football a certain way so you have to be able to stand up to what's in front of you, and I thought we did that pretty well today."


"He's got a genuine, real concussion. He's a bit dazed in there and he's not sure he'd even scored. It's brilliant that Dennis was so brave, he's done that before this season and scored a great header coming in, and it helped us get a point in a game that we found really hard to create good chances against a team packed with huge guys at the back. It's ironic really that we scored from a set play. Everybody's fine, it's a good lesson for this team to know that every football match isn't just a football match and there are different ways to play the game."


"It's difficult, the way the game went we didn't have the control that we normally have because of the way they play. It seemed to be a foul every five seconds so we didn't have enough control, the game kept stopping and starting. It'll be interesting to know how many fouls there were in that football match. So there was no fluency and we couldn't get our game going. It's a bit unfair to judge anybody because we didn't have enough control. But we'll take the point, put it in the bag and move onto the next game."


"We always need the supporters. We spoke at half time about kicking into our fans in the second half and hoped it would give us a lift. We scored a great goal in front of them so I hope they enjoyed it and it made it worth their trip."


"The overriding thing for me is that we weren't allowed to play the way we want to play today for long spells, because the game was so bitty and stop-start. It was a difficult game to play in. But we didn't lose the football match, we're a very young team against a huge physical confrontation and we have to be pleased with that."

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