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Tony Mowbray was surprised that, despite a lot of rumoured interest, Sunderland didn't receive an official bid for Alex Pritchard during the transfer window. That being said, he's delighted that he'll have Pritch at his disposal until January at the very least...


“We will have chats with Alex. We have lots of chats already, to be honest. What a good footballer he is. I’m just amazed the phone didn’t ring as much as it might have done because he’s a wonderful footballer."


“Pritch is quality. You see with your eyes what I see with my eyes. He gets the ball, he sticks it through someone's legs and hits a 40-yard diagonal ball and we're off and through on goal. Not every player can do that. We have to get that balance right of how the team looks. We have to try and maximise his time on the pitch, but also grow the young players.”


“Where’s Pritch going to play. Is he going to play behind the striker? Well, we might play two strikers, we might play three strikers, we might need only two sitting midfielders. I have to do this with Dack and Pritchard, and then try and fit Roberts back in the team, I've just been laughing with him (Roberts) – ‘It's going to be tough in two weeks’ time, Pat, I can't change that team’. Let’s wait and see.”


“The club know I have to love my players. They have to feel that I care about their lives and career and kids and wives and families. I care about them. That's why I’m happy for Danny Batth. If they're not going to play, they should go and get on with their career. It’s the same with Goochy. What a decision for Gooch to leave this club, it’s unbelievable. But if he gets more security and thinks he has a better chance of playing then good luck to him.”

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