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Millwall was another dreary toothless performance. That’s one goal in four home games for a long-suffering, home support shelling out their hard-earned cash for such dreary rubbish.


With seven goals this season, Jobe Bellingham is the only player in our squad that looks anything like a striker and Dodds in his wisdom keeps shifting him back into midfield. Why?


Yesterday, our master tactician elected to stick with a back five. While this negative, stifling approach makes sense in an away game against a top team where there is need to keep things tight, this was a home match against Millwall! All this did was to nullify our one attacking threat in Jack Clarke and provide more desperately poor fare for a fan base who must be wondering why they bother.


To add insult to injury, Dodds says “I don’t think it’s necessarily a number nine that we need.” Are you kidding me! Does he really believe this arrant nonsense or is he just being paid to trot out the ownership line in the face of all evidence to the contrary?


As we have learnt this season, any coach of note is going to think twice about taking a job where he is asked to sign up to a recruitment policy that leaves him with one hand tied behind his back. The result will be more mid-table mediocrity.

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