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Updated: Jul 18, 2023


Sometimes life surprises, and more with certain feelings or thoughts.

It was like this, as someone who is a fan of a team (River Plate of Argentina), can become fond of a team that is not theirs, and that is not a world power (such as Madrid or United). This is my case with Sunderland AFC.

In quarantine times, I started to watch the series "Sunderland Till I Die” I never imagined taking so much love from a club that is not mine and is so far away. Feeling a great emptiness and sadness, at the end of the series, but with a tremendous wish that they soon have a rematch and can ascend.

I didn't find out what Sunderland is with the series. I knew of its greatness, since many Argentine players have gone there, but for me that greatness increased when I saw what the city is, the people around it (very hard-working), its fans and passion, the club and the great stadium.

Much of that affection that counted at the beginning is maintained, since after finishing the series, I decided to contact Peter Farrer, who appears in all the chapters. Every word he uttered in his appearances came to my heart. A great guy, who was surprised and grateful to contact me back and so too did his son, also called Peter!

They are the two people who feed my love for that club, more than 11,746 km away.

They are the ones that make each day that passes, make me want to visit those places that I discovered in the series, and on the other hand they want at some point, to know the Estadio Monumental Antonio Vespucio Liberti.

Peter (son) has already sent me, and also ordered many objects from ALS, so that I feel like one more Mackem.

Obviously, there is the promise of me sending you many things from River Plate. Beyond that they know its greatness, it is a good opportunity to make fans in those lands.

Hopefully soon they can celebrate what they deserve, and at that time, they will have one more fan, also celebrating and happy because my two friends and the rest of their fans, fulfilled the objective that in recent years has been elusive and I take their sleep away many nights.

Since I want things, maybe one day, not so far away, I find myself in a very cold place, with the Farrers, in the preview of a Sunderland game at Roker End Cafe, or already finished the game, celebrating the victory between beers at Colliery Tavern.

Dreaming costs nothing, friends. Dream a lot in the rest of the competition, and above all, fight for the team to return to its true place, from which it should never have left, which is the Premier League.

I send a giant greeting to everyone from Argentina, here I will be one more fan every weekend.

Sebastian Masciandaro.

Instagram: Sebastianmasciandaro

Twitter: @sebamasciandaro

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