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The gaffer met the press ahead of the Charlton match. Here’s pretty much everything he had to say…


“Obviously, we're respectful of a Charlton side that's full of experience. You know, they've got a lot of players sort of in the twilight of their career, but still, agile still mobile and I say very experienced likes of Pratley likes of Gunter, Adam Matthews that you guys would have had, obviously previously before Stokley, up top so there's several threats and a lot of good decision makers. So there, we're going to have to be at our best, that's for sure, to make sure we've got that chance to get maximum points. When a team's informed, I think it sharpens a pencil, it sharpens the mind. For our players, certainly for us as staff, there are no gimmies in this league, it just doesn't happen. There's the same as the Championship. You just don't get a lot of foreign clubs, foreign leagues, foreign divisions. I think Kyril as a good example, has been pleasantly surprised if you like by the quality and the standard of the third tier in the English game. And I think that that's part of what we know and love about English football is that willingness to fight to compete, and I think League One epitomises that fight. So, we know that going into any game. And without question of a doubt, we got to bring our A game because if we don't, our teams will capitalise.”


“I think there's so many points to play for still. I think that any one game, in this division, we can win. So, against anybody in this division, if we're at it, if we're focused, if we're sharp, if we're bright, if we're working the opposition plans, the philosophy. I think we've got the talent and the attitude to go and win. So, we just got to do that on every individual basis as much as possible and the things that get thrown at you during a season sending off like poor form refereeing decisions. We've also got to consider as a factor, and almost have that what if mentality to be able to bounce back.”


“We didn't go into the game with the mentality to get a draw, you know, we wanted to win it. But if you can't win it, obviously, the next best thing is to draw. So, I thought the players showed a good attitude. And, and they were happy, I suppose, which is important as well, I probably couldn't quite match their mood, but they were happy. And they felt it was it was a positive point. So, I think that it's my job to sort of like say, try and match the board, consider at least the mood and then try and build off the positives.”


“I think that it is what it is, you know, it's a by-product of being a head coach at a big club, and a big club like Sunderland and a big club that's full of a lot of passionate people, both internally that are working here and, obviously the fan base that are looking in on us and often only get to see that performance 90 minutes on a Saturday. So, I think that we're stronger when we're together, that's for sure. And we could use this time in a positive way. And the momentum that we've built, if the fans were in, they're not in, and therefore we've got to create our own atmosphere, going into the game. And like we know the importance of it. It's a 46-game season, isn't it and you've got to make sure that at the end of it, you come out as highly placed as possible. But it doesn't lie, that's for sure on the table over the 46 games, it tells you a lot of home truths I think if you haven't made it and obviously the success if you have means that you can step into the next level and be confident that you'll be able to handle it because League One is a very tough League, and it presents many different challenges. But the next one is the Charlton game. And that's the one that we retain full focus on. And after that, then we're obviously consider the Wigan outfit and the team selection for that one.”


“I think Denver is just minutes, at what point do you push the button and say, Alright, he's ready for a start. He's not a million miles off, that's for sure. So, I thought he'd done well, when he came on. He did take a little bit of time to get second wind, but we know he can do, and we know he brings to the team. Flano didn't train today. But is generally progressing on the two injuries that he's got one is the foot that was broken, and chipped and therefore needs a course of action. But he can play through it even though he's in pain and I think that led to the domino effect previously of his calf and then his hamstring, and the hamstrings been nursed and coming along well. Jake Volkins is obviously the other one and he's sort of on the verge of a return and been a frustrating one that one we Jake because he feels absolutely fine. But understandably, when he's had that sort of murmur, it's got to be considered and he's got a stress test they call it on Tuesday, which is where basically he's on an ECG and a treadmill, and then they keep cranking it up and, in a situation, where if he collapses, he's alright, but he won't collapse, he's fine. He just got a little bit of a scar. If you like he'll be back in a couple of weeks when we can get him in training. He's fine, he's the most frustrated man in living history, and he's so keen and I think he loves it here. So, like, we've enjoyed having him. And hopefully we'll get him back for the end of the season.”


“I try and look at all the guy’s strengths. You know, I think we can. It's easy to drown players in their weaknesses. It really is, you know, I mean, you could pick faults in Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo if you wanted to. So, whenever I'm picking a team, whenever I'm considering conversations with players, whenever I'm trying to develop an individual, I'll always look at their strengths and try and make them super strengths, really, and then bump up the weaknesses as much as possible. And that's the same with the team selection. And so, now, while those two guys are performing extremely well, they retain the shirt. Now obviously Luke O'Nien is very flexible in his positioning, and that's a benefit and I've gone on record before of saying how happy I am to have the likes of Gooch and O'Nien in our squad because they are extremely flexible and more than happy to do a job that benefits the team and I think you can start building the culture of the back of those type personalities.”


“He is an exciting player. And you know, when he's fed in that little half space as we call it, you can feel your whole body goes like sort of gets an uplifting feeling isn't it your eyes widen, and your pupils dilate? And you're like, right, go on, then I'm looking forward to seeing the result of this action and I think that's what you want. As a fan, you want that and you want that sort of quality to be able to lift you off. You see, we've had that with Jones at times as well. But it certainly McGeady and, and there's nothing like a cross and a header for a fan you know, that's that anticipation of is somebody's going to get on the end of it and then like Charlie's obviously scored a fair few headers. And it's ying and yang, you know, you got to get the service, but you got to make the run. And we've had a fair few of those nice moments. So, he'd be in my Team of the Year, that's for sure. If I was picking one, but so quite a few of our boys if I'm honest.”


“I think it's a very difficult team selection because of that a lot of players inform a lot of players fit and confident. Bailey right back in training as well today, which was nice to see. many positives. At the same time, total focus to what is a really big game and important game. It’s a massive luxury. It's also difficult at times, you know, it's hard to manage a lot of players in form. And I think that's the beauty of it as well. Because you're trying to find the balance between the cohesion, like getting your fastest players on your pitch at best bird and the pitch the players that round pegs in round holes, but also the matchday tactic that you truly believe or go and win the game. So yes, I do enjoy that side of it. Because I think the management side, really, you got to step up, then gentlemen, you got to be honest with players. And they've got to know that you still believe in them rate them, because sometimes you can leave a player out. But it doesn't mean that you don't think they're fantastic. And I think that's part of it between myself and my staff is keeping that belief and keeping that trust both ways of in the squad when it's going well as well.”

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