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The gaffer has updated fans on Corry Evans' injury as well as cleared up the situation surrounding players who were on international duty over the last week. Johnson confirms that Callum Doyle, Bailey Wright and other internationals will be available to play against Accrington.


"Lee Burge is fine, he has had a good two weeks' training, he's looked good, looked sharp. In regards to the new signings, Hoffmann has had more exposure and game time in pre-season for his club out in Germany. Both have looked good in training, and that's good because obviously you want to see them first-hand and get to know what they are like as human beings."


“They can come in on that sort of sportsman's bubble and then they have to isolate, you won’t be seeing Bailey Wright going around Tesco today after coming back from Vietnam in an amber zone. He’s had one negative test and has to have another negative test second day in the country and as long as that is good then he’s good to go tomorrow.”


“Corry is in a decent place, it was a bit too early for him to play as Northern Ireland found out and Corry recognised, to go and play at the standard and level that he would expect to. He’s done really well and what we have used it as is sort of a mini pre-season for him. Don’t forget he missed a lot of pre-season and was chasing minutes in games which probably lead to the tweak. He’s such an important player for us and I like him even more than I thought I did when I was looking at him to sign him, both as a personality but more importantly because of his football intelligence for the team.”

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