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Alex Neil has been meeting the media to preview our trip to Wembley this weekend…


“Yeah good, relaxed. We’ve set our stall early doors in terms of what we wanted to achieve, and now we’ve got one big hurdle, one big step to go. Building into that week we knew it was going to take a massive effort over two legs, we knew that there was going to be a lot getting said, and even just the emotion of that week for everybody, we knew it was a big step for us that we needed to try and take. I think the fact and the manner in which we done it, physically and mentally it took a lot out of the players, and I think we done everybody proud, I think we deserved to go through and now we gave ourselves a great opportunity.”


“We gave them plenty of time off, we’ve done a few training sessions now as well, we’re looking sharp they’re in fine fettle if you like, in terms of mood, and we’re looking forward to the final now. I don’t think there’s a huge amount of reflection if I’m being honest, I think it’s just in terms of rest and sometimes taking yourself out. It’s a bubble that you’re in for us, so you take yourself out that bubble for a bit go and spend time with family, just escape for a couple days sort of lighten up the brain and then this week is going to be a lot of hard work.”


“We’ve come through both of those legs relatively unscathed which is good, a couple of wee bumps and bruises I think Bailey [Wright] sort of split his eye, I think Goochy got a split on the top of his head, but nothing too significant. So, we are just hoping we can get the lads through this week fine, fit and ready to go. So, yeah looking forward to it and everything so far, albeit it’s early has went well.”


“We’ve set out our stall early doors, our goal was to get promoted and that’s not done, you don’t get anything for being a glorious loser if you like, so what we’re trying to do is to go and win the game, trying to gain promotion and that’s the only focus we have got at the moment.”


“Yeah, I think what people fail to register sometimes is that we play under scrutiny and play under pressure and play in front of big crowds every week, particularly when we are at home. So, us going to Wembley and it being a big occasion and all the rest of it, yeah listen, it’s fantastic, it’s great but it’s not really anything new for these players, it’s not anything new for this club it’s the third time at Wembley in last three or four seasons. So, we’ve been there on quite a few occasions recently, we understand the importance of the game, we understand what it carries with it. So, we’re focused we’re settled I wouldn’t say there is any nerves, we just know what we’ve got to do and we’ve got to get ourselves ready to do it.”

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