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Mogga has spoken about the difficulties he faces when he has to tell talented footballers, like Patrick Roberts, that they're on the bench and how to keep those fringe players motivated...


"I make connections with people and players. I think with the players, they have to get used to another manager’s personality. I think my personality, particularly compared to Alex’s, feels hugely different. I think the players have to adapt to that, as I have to adapt to them. I just like honesty, I like hard work."


"It’s very difficult when you’ve got 26 players to communicate every day with every player. Problems arise because it slips through your fingers that you forgot to talk to this player, and he’s not playing this week, but that’s life and that’s football. I’ve had that for 20 years, you try and keep them in the loop but the most difficult part of the job usually is trying to keep the players on the fringe of the team motivated, keep them going. Knowing that there’s a chance just around the corner because if there’s an injury you’re in so you’ve got to be ready."


"Footballers are footballers generally. They like to moan about certain things, they want to win, the joy of a winning dressing room is amazing. On the back of defeats you need to pick them up and keep them going, be positive and believing that you’re doing things the right way. Generally they’re not too dissimilar to most dressing rooms I’ve had. There’s a smattering of young and experienced players, but what you really need is good human beings in there."


"When they’re moaning they’re not moaning too much about serious things, because hopefully you’ve managed to put the values of the club right as you see them and how we operate. Generally the balance has been okay and it will get better as the relationships develop over the months, and hopefully the more successful you are it’s easier to develop those relationships because the players come along on the journey we’re trying to take them on."

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