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Our defeat to Swansea at home earlier this afternoon also marked the return of captain Corry Evans who had missed the last two games, here’s what he had to say on our 3-1 loss today.


“I think up until the sending off we were the better team. We were keeping them penned in their half and the game plan we worked on was working well but the sending off obviously changed the game, we stuck at it and managed to get it back to one all but they got a lucky goal in the second one and we were always gonna chase it to try and get the draw but they got the third towards the end and sort of killed it off.”


“Listen if there's one team you don't want to go down ten men in this league it’s Swansea. They're number one in the league for possession, they use the ball well and they're patient with their build up play and we just tried to keep a low block and nullify them and when there was chances to press we had to try and make the most of that opportunity. We got back in the game with a goal by Dan, it was a good goal we scored and it’s a defeat but we have to put it behind us now and look forward to the next game, Middlesbrough.”


“We’ll put that game behind us now, it’s a bit of a one off with ten men as I said before I thought we were well on top with eleven men but these things happen in football and it gives us extra time to get some rest in the legs and it's going to be a big game next Sunday and we’re all looking forward to it.”


“Yeah I felt fine, I just had a tight hamstring after the Blackburn game so it was just the right decision to rest that for a few games but I’ve been training the last week or so and I feel fine.”


“The manager said it in there we just have to keep our head high, you know not let this result affect us in any way and I’m sure we’ll keep everyone’s spirits high in the changing room and keep going because we know we are a good team and you know as I say we need to get up for Middlesbrough next Sunday it’s a game we’re all looking forward too already and we’ll be ready.”

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