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We're two league games into a new season, and the Lads are on zero points. The monkey of gaining the first win of the season seems a little bit distant to say the least and there a few doom mongers out there that are reaching for that big red button that's marked "PANIC!". The question that needs to be answered out there is simple, is it time to panic yet or not? Well hopefully my opinions might soothe a bit of the pain we're experiencing, but then again this is how I see it myself.


Both league games have seen the Lads lose by the same margin, 2-1. All things considered; these are not heavy defeats, but it is enough to get some folks to sound concerned. Against Ipswich, we actually played alright bar a spell either side of half time where they had us at times, on the ropes like a punch-drunk boxer. Preston saw lady luck desert the Lads both times for their goals and for some reason we just couldn't get the points again. If it wasn't for bad luck, we would have none at all.

The Carabao Cup exit to Crewe stung of course but it did do a couple of things, a close look at what we have as regards strength in depth and if those second strings are good enough to push for a regular first eleven starts. From the game, which was attended by a fairly reasonable crowd of a shade under 11,000, one of the major positives has to be the increasing rise in the development of Chris Rigg. We have had some special homegrown talents in the red and white over the years, but Rigg is something else as he has the ability to go right to the top. Losing and exiting to some can be seen as unacceptable, but let's draw one possible positive: no potential fixture pile up the further you go in the competition.


With the amount of new faces in the squad, it's obvious that they are going to need some time to get up to speed. With the exception of Bradley Dack, none have played under Mogga so are learning new systems and tactics. Four of the seven have come from sides in different countries so there's also going to be some kind of acclimatising to be needed, you can't expect things to happen and gel immediately. Some newcomers will take longer than others, that's a given.

It's also grossly unfair to expect certain newcomers to fill voids in the team which have been accentuated by transfers or injury. A prime example of this is Hemir. Whilst he was outstanding in pre-season, you can't expect the same thing to happen in the harsh minefield that is the Championship. Especially for a kid that's new to life in the UK, away from his family and learning all the time. He, and Mayenda, will take more time especially if neither are fluent in English.


When results don’t go your way, the biggest person in the firing line is the manager. We have been guilty of it ourselves and jumped the gun in the past. Ideally, we’re over that and are much forward thinking that this. Well, aren’t we? Mogga inherited a squad last season and now has own acquisitions added to it. Sacking him is not the answer. In fact, it could put the Club into free fall and that’s not where we or Mogga want us to be. After all, where else would the Lads find a head coach who buys into it from the get go and understands the Club, and most of all us fans more than most. I think we will be hard pressed to find anyone that can top that. Trust the process.


It could be easily argued that the Lads might be the victims of their own success story. Last season was quite simply a ride that we all knew had overachievement written all over it. Not in any fans dreams did we expect it to pan out the way it did. So with than in mind, the only expectation bar has probably been raised. Battling bravely against the drop is not a consideration. Finishing mid table probably isn’t on the agenda either. Another top six finish has probably been earmarked as a realistic goal, with maybe a promotion tagged on as a bonus.

Teams will have seasons like this all the time, it’s how they deal with bad starts that determines how they finish. This is oh true of the Lads. Can we finish top six again? Of course. Getting into a winning groove sooner than later will help. Sometimes you have face the highs and lows equally. If you haven’t seen the dark days then you’ve been spoiled. Winning and losing go hand in hand, and at Sunderland it’s what we do best. Keep the Faith.

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