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Don’t panic. I know you’ve spilt your coffee all over yourself, standing shivering in the queue outside the ticket office. This article is not about THAT Bruce. Rather David Bruce, of the MLS.

Chief Marketing Officer of the American MLS, the Sunderland-born man is reportedly in an advanced position to join the commercial side of Sunderland, in an obvious and much-needed attempt to raise the standards of that side of things.

Whilst on the field the club has continued to go from stride to stride with a good integration of youth in the first team, and new additions into the current squad, it’s fair to say that off the field it is like a different club altogether.

On one side of the fence, there is a club fuelled by aspiration, full of certitude with regards to the direction the club is going in. On the other side of the fence however; it couldn’t be more contrary. Moans and groans shake hands with rainstorms as grey clouds hover over the ticket office. Tension and anger can be felt amongst the air, as fans vent their frustrations to those that can’t actually physically dictate the poor direction that this side of the club is currently swaying towards.

People (and admittedly myself included) have blamed Steve Davison. And rightly so. But have we blamed him too much? Upon a rethink, I think that he’s simply out of his depth, rather than downright incompetent. Being fair to Steve, I still think that he could work effectively if he was in partnership with someone else. As a previously successful businessman, he may be having to manage a job that in reality needs more people to do it successfully. And with the club not looking to sack Davison, that seems like the avenue that they are going to go down.

So what can David Bruce add that will help? Well, he certainly has a strong CV. After graduating from Northumbria University, he worked at various individual firms, one being a Senior Consultant for Wolff Olins in their brand strategy department; and in the process setting up their Dubai office, showing his great capabilities and leadership skills. During this time, he also lead the London 2012 Olympics brand work, proving that he is capable of running a large scale business.

After this, he attended the University of Oregon to specialize in the business of sports. Shortly after this, he joined the MLS as a Senior VP (working with integrated marketing) before after a decade in that position, moving to Chief Marketing Officer of MLS.

In this position, he has made significant changes. In 2015, he completely overhauled the brand identity and design of the MLS, in keeping with the progressive atmosphere and tone that the league was moving in (something that we can possibly resonate with what has to be done here?). He also helped new clubs that came into the MLS globalize themselves, making themselves heard. Maybe he could do something a bit similar at Sunderland and give a voice for the fans?

It is worth noting that the MLS' reputation has been developed massively in the last 10-15 years. Initially it was a bit of a joke league as Americans weren't interested in football. Then it became known as a 'retirement league' for stars looking to earn a final pay packet and live the lavish USA lifestyle (Gerrard, Lampard, Pirlo to name but a few). But now, it is known as a physical and exciting league that has a whole crop of young talent coming through. I dare say David Bruce was an important part of the 2026 World Cup being set to take place in the USA.

In an interview with, when asked about what it takes to be in his position, he said that “you need patience and focus” and that you need to have the ability to “Constantly deliver on what makes the league special in the minds of fans.” This can show that he is very much focused on supporter and club rapport, and that fans are at the heart of his interests.

All of this makes Bruce seem like a very positive asset for Sunderland to have. And with this deal seemingly nearing completion, it is only a matter of time before the commercial side of the club is as thriving as the playing side.

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