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Gary Bennett has given his thoughts on the prospect of Roy Keane returning to Wearside. The former defender suggests that having Keano back is just what we need after Lee Johnson’s departure, if we want to have any chance of getting promoted.


"If anyone can get a reaction from a group of players, it will be Roy. It's what we need at the moment, something to give the fans a lift and the team a kick up the backside. When Roy came here last time, it created a massive stir throughout football, and I think it would do so again.’’


"Sunderland is always on the map, even in League One, but there's no doubt that having Roy Keane here would lift the club's profile again - just as it did first time round and from Roy's point of view, it would be an opportunity to prove one or two people wrong as far as their opinions of him as a manager. I think he will feel he has some unfinished business here.’’


"Sunderland need to get on a run but from what we've seen, they get on a run then fall off again, then get on a run again. They've been missing consistency and hopefully he could put that right. Roy was hugely popular when he was here, and we all know the reason that he left was because things weren't right behind the scenes. I don't think he would have left otherwise.’’


"He has always spoken highly of the club and the supporters since he left, and I know he'd be welcomed back if he does come. I don't think he'd struggle to adapt to League One. Obviously he has never worked at this level before but he will know that what he has to do is get us out of this division and back into the Championship and build from there, because the longer you are in the third tier the harder it gets. Sunderland are still in a good position and hopefully he will be thinking that he just needs to get it right over these next 17 games to win promotion."

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