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Updated: Mar 5, 2021

Bailey Wright has been chatting about the impact that Kyril Louis-Dreyfus has already had on the club in the very short time he’s been in charge and thankfully it’s all positive…


"I've enjoyed my time here and there has been a rebuilding at the club. He's got a lot of big plans and he’s not messed about. He’s got to work straight away, everything we're hearing and seeing sounds great and some people he is bringing in and his visions and his philosophies of what he's learned, you know for someone who's only 23 he seems to know a lot about the game and is extremely passionate about it. So there's a lot to look forward to there from a player's point of view, the staff, and fans; I think it's an exciting time for the club. Obviously we've had a bit of uncertainty for a little while and the takeovers have been rumoured for a long time. As players, those external noises you have just got to put to one side and focus on your job that's winning football matches and doing your best for Sunderland Football Club."


"We're not where we want to be just yet, but we’re taking strides in the right direction. Our performances are getting stronger and stronger and we’re picking up a bit of momentum coming into the second half of the season and that’s important to get where we want to be. A club like Sunderland, it’s obvious that we want to get promoted this season. That’s the goal for everyone within the club and all the fans. From a personal point of view, it’s been nice to play most of the games and be fit. Unfortunately at the moment I’ve got a little calf problem. But I’ve been feeling good physically, mentally, I’ve enjoyed my football and the challenge of playing for a big club. With the combination of everything – us doing our job, the new ownership in, and the backroom staff taken care of – I think we can have a strong finish to the season.”

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