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Updated: Jul 14, 2023

As Sunderland approach the end of the season and heading into the play offs, we asked our regular writers what they think ahead of our last regular season clash with Northampton before we embark on what's hopefully another trip to Wembley.

How do you want places 3-6 to finish/how do you expect them to finish?


Let’s get the clichés out of the way by saying there’s no easy games at this stage. I’d like to finish third because, across a season, it’ll show we were the best team in the play offs but, equally, that counts for nothing in a two leg semi-final. Looking at it from this point, the team I’m most concerned about (ignoring Charlton, obviously) is Blackpool. Beating us twice so recently is a real mental advantage for them so I think playing them as a one off at Wembley would be better than a two leg battle. As they play Bristol Rovers on Sunday I think they’ll finish third. Then I’d expect us and Lincoln to beat Northampton and Wimbledon so that leaves us all as we are now. The last place is fascinating. I’ve a sneaking feeling Oxford will get it with Portsmouth drawing and throwing it away. I can’t see Portsmouth AND Oxford losing so I think Charlton miss out… oh dear, what a pity. The only difference between that and what I’d like to happen is that I’d rather finish below Lincoln. I’d rather play at home first because our away form is better.


In terms of where I’d like us to finish now that we’re not going to be in the top two, third is my answer. I know it doesn’t really matter as long as you’re in the play-offs, but if you’re third there’s none of the “yeah, but you were only sixth” business. As a club we should be striving to do the best we can, and the best we can do at the moment is finish third and then worry about who we play next. With the relegation places already sorted, Bristol Rovers can only be playing for pride (not easy with the Joey Barton association) when they visit Blackpool, who’ve been in the best form of the sides occupying the play-off places. The same could be said of Northampton, so let’s hope they’re just sick of their lives and want the season over and done with. Lincoln’s form over the last five games is identical to opponents Wimbledon (won two, drawn one, lost two) so who knows which way that one will go. I fancy Wimbledon to at least get a point from that, and Accrington could do the world a favour by beating Pompey – or get their fourth consecutive draw – and letting Oxford into sixth place. The O’s are the form team in the division, and should see off Burton, with their slightly superior goal difference giving them an extra edge over Pompey should they draw and Pompey lose, while I can’t see Hull slipping up against Charlton.


It’s got to be Lincoln in the semi finals for me. That’s not because they’re a poor team, their position in the league is testament to that, it’s just that we have that psychological advantage insofar as we hammered them on their home turf. That shows a couple of things, we can beat them and they can crumble. With that in mind over two legs you’ve got to look at them as the favourable option. Blackpool have looked really strong recently and I’d like to avoid them in the semi finals but meet them in the final. Of the other teams potentially involved there’s a bit of history. The past with Pompey, the ill tempered match against Oxford and of course Charlton we all know about. These may be meaningless in real terms but they serve as a distraction and that’s the last thing you need when you’re going into a job that requires you to be cool, calm and professional. In terms of how it will finish, I think it’s as you were. I wondered if players might be rested going into that last game but there’s a bit of a gap before the semi finals which means everyone should be fully charged going into the play offs so there’s potential to try something new out. Between Pompey, Oxford and Charlton is anyone’s guess really. I think Charlton can forget it really so it’s down to the other two. The thing is both of them should win their fixtures, but League One is funny sometimes. I’ll stick my neck out and say Portsmouth though.

Who do you expect to get to the final?


I think Blackpool will beat any of the three from Oxford, Portsmouth or Charlton. Certainly over two legs. And, if we play as well as we can, I think we can beat Lincoln. So I’m predicting a Blackpool v Sunderland final. And, if that happened, let me be the first to offer sympathy to Elliot Embleton. A big player in getting Blackpool there but would miss out on the day. Harsh. Of course, if we can get through, facing Karl Robinson would be an interesting way to end a season, not to mention any boardroom interest in that fixture. If we miss out, I’d like Blackpool to go up. Their years of boardroom horrors behind them, it’s good to see any club come through that and get back to the Championship.


While I, like most Sunderland fans, have developed a bit of a dislike for Pompey over the last couple of years, I’d sooner play them than Oxford in the semi-finals. Having said that, we’ve done the double over Oxford, so that must count for something. I think the four in the semis will be us, Oxford, Lincoln, and Blackpool, probably pitting us against the Imps. In the final will be ourselves (obviously) but the other one - Blackpool or Oxford – is much harder to call. To be honest, I don’t really care which is as the Seasiders might have just done the double over us, but were never on top in either game, while we’ve beaten Oxford twice. Us against Oxford is the tie that the media want, because of the obvious recent connections and the Max Power/Karl Robinson thing, while the League would love Pompey to get their act together to renew the rivalry.


I think Blackpool will go through, they’ve just looked like they’re hitting a decent run at the right time and momentum goes a long way in football. Plus, if they play Portsmouth in the semi final I haven’t really been convinced by Portsmouth’s league position when you look at their quality. So that’s one sorted. The other one? Well I’ve got to go with us even just out of hope. As I said before, over two legs against Lincoln I would back us.

If Northampton are our pre-play-off practice match, what would you like to see us practice?


Goals! And moving the whole exercise forwards by about 15 yards. It’s completely understandable that, with 1,417 defenders currently injured at the club, we’re nervous about the lads who are back there but I think we look far stronger attacking rather than trying to defend, especially after we score and the midfield sit back on top of the defence to try and help out. I think it hinders more than helps. The way to beat Blackpool, Lincoln, Portsmouth or Oxford is to outscore them so against Northampton I’d like to see us hold a high midfield line and go for the jugular. I’d love to see us play three at the back so Hume and Gooch can play as well as McGeady and Jones. I’d also like to see Maguire in there. He’s a big game player and there aren’t many bigger games than the play offs.


There is, of course, the small matter of the Northampton game. Like I said, they may be playing for pride, or just wanting it all to end. Whichever it is, we have to put our best eleven out and give them a proper game. Practice our shooting, practice our passing, practice our defending, practice having Chris Maguire back ticking again. That’s especially important with the situation at the back, where we’ve become a bit of a central defender’s graveyard. We’ve only got one experienced one left, so options are limited and therefore we should make the most of where we’re strong - Gooch had a good game last time out, and Jones is always a threat, while we’re lucky that we can play Wyke, or Stewart, or both, and we’re lucky that Maguire had a really effective half hour minutes last weekend – having a “big game” player like him back in the fold is a real bonus, with potentially three big games on the horizon.


Pushing a central midfielder on a bit, preferably not Scowen. Scowen looks wayward with his attempts on goal and I think what we need is somebody who is going to close in more on the edge of the box. Work on Jones, Maguire and McGeady pinging crosses in and then either the Loch Ness Drogba or Wyke contesting to win it. Playing Maguire off either of them would be more productive as he finds space in the box and isn’t afraid to have a shot, often with positive outcomes. I’d definitely be bringing Maguire back though. He relishes big games like these and a player like that can be the difference. We could do with some work on defence, as we have shown recently, but I don’t think we’ve got any defenders left have we?

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