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Parkinson Out


The season of goodwill is now upon us all, but the season of absolute heartache has truly been around us since mid-August.

Many argued that Jack Ross should still be at the helm at the club. I stand by this. This is not based on the absolute car crash of an introduction of Phil Parkinson. Jack Ross was a breath of fresh air, a young upcoming manager with the whole world at his feet.

Granted he made mistakes, haven’t we all. No one walking this planet can honestly prop their hand in the air, truthfully, and admit they’ve never gone to work and made a mistake, or a serious error. The error we’ve made as a club is to release Ross and introduce Parkinson.

It was cited the job was too big for Ross. Maybe it was initially, but in time I believe his stature would have grown and he would have filled the role with a certain aplomb. Parkinson was drafted in on the back of a pretty low-key CV. A CV that shouldn’t have even reached first base in the application process. Granted, Phil Parkinson has years of lower division experience under his belt. This kind of knowledge and know how should have propelled this guy to a higher division. But it didn’t. Why? Because he’s simply not good enough.

This job is far, far, too big for PP. He’s had his chance to prove himself over the last ten years or so, and he’s failed to do so. Why on earth should a club of our stature take a chance on such a failure of a manager, is quite simply beyond belief. We’re currently sat 11th in League One having just come off the back of a defeat at Gillingham. A game where we were trying to hang on for a point. For crying out loud, we are Sunderland A.F.C.

This shambles of a season has peaked. Many will argue Parkinson inherited a squad from the previous regime and needs time. I don’t stand by this. PP and the club don’t have time. We’ve made a huge mistake in sacking Jack Ross. Let’s not make another one by hanging on to this no hoper.

There isn’t a valid argument left for keeping Parkinson. Time to employ a young manager with hunger in his belly. Someone with something to prove to himself and the rest of the footballing fraternity. Someone like… Jack Ross.

Come on Stewart Donald, admit your mistakes and get the right guy in. Parkinson OUT.

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