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PP Post Burton


Current Sunderland boss Phil Parkinson had this to say after our humiliating 2-1 at home to Burton Albion, as fans chanted “getting sacked in the morning.” PP said: “The fans are entitled to an expectation. Pressure? I accept totally the reaction. For the last quarter of the game we were nowhere near good enough and if I was sat in the stand I wouldn’t accept that. Wearing the Sunderland shirt you need the courage to play and we didn’t have that. We looked aimless in the last spell of the game. I totally accept the criticism, it wasn’t good enough in that last period, Sometimes it doesn’t go for you and you have to show resilience and belief to get there. We need additions, no doubt about it. We need players who will relish playing at this stage. In fairness in the league games here they have done that and they did it on Saturday when we kept going. This is the first time I sensed the pressure is on us. I think the pressure of the situation, conceding the goal, I felt genuinely the lift of a late goal on Saturday would boost us. I have had teams promoted from this league, both playoffs and automatic and I know what is required and I feel we need to show more mental strength to get there.’’

Parkinson added: “I felt first half we did okay and got a great start, but to concede after the goal was so disappointing. We were soft in in defending the throw in, switched off to the save and didn’t react. Concentration levels, the details, staying with people in and around the box cost us. We started the second half well and the crowd were terrific. On Saturday we conceded and responded well, kept going and got a reward, this time we conceded and stopped playing. Didn’t’ show enough conviction or character and deservedly got booed off at the end.’’

“We have a break without a game now and it will be a long ten days after this. We have to use the period the right way and make sure we go into the next game with a better mentality. Getting players back is a boost, we wait on that. The physio department are doing all they can, but nature takes time to heal injuries.’’

Burton manager Nigel Clough said: “I’m delighted with the win, we were disappointed at half time as we hadn’t played like our usual selves. We should have scored another with the chances we have had, but we are happy to win. It was down to two important things – equalising straight away and then coming out second half and keeping them out. Once we got over that period we were strong. For Sunderland’s penalty - our lads didn’t object, no calls and when that happens you tend to think it’s a right call. They haven’t lost that many at home so it’s a good one, it’s been coming for us and it’s important we got it tonight. We did well after taking the lead, we were still positive, pressed right to the 94th minute and it was important we didn’t sit back. It’s not a nice place for the home side on a night like this. We get 2,3000 people – this is ten times the numbers. It can be a blessing, but when it’s not going well you have to be brave and courageous to play in that kind of atmosphere and it can be difficult.’’

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