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Ross' Craic


Ahead of the visit to Lincoln, Jack Ross is generally satisfied with our start to the season. “It’s tight in terms of that top six, seven eight teams,” said Ross. “We’ve kept ourselves amongst it, we keep saying about room for improvement and do we feel we’ll get better, we do. It’s been a good start for us, with the cup games it’s one defeat in 13. It’s alright, it gives us a platform to build on, but we’ve got to keep striving to improve. The players have got to keep enjoying winning matches as well. The league is settling a little bit but it is a very difficult league to predict, every single fixture that you look at. We’ll have a little bit of a rest and then it’s back to it this week. We’ve not had many gaps this season and we’ve not got many in October, so we’ve got to make the most of it when they come along. I think everybody enjoys it when they come along.”

Ross also took time to praise the recent performances of Joel Lynch. Ross said: “I think he’s a good type to have around, he gets on with his work. It maybe helped him having this little period where he is playing catchup with fitness, I think he’s adjusted to how we work and the club. He’s settled in and everyday I’ve noticed that he’s become more and more comfortable in the surroundings. I think that’s then reflected in the performances. It maybe wasn’t a bad thing when he had that forced bedding in period to get his fitness.”

Ross has also enjoyed not having a midweek game, for a change. “It was a positive week in terms of our response to last weekend,” he said. “I am really pleased for my players and staff. The strength of character they’ve shown to do that has been pleasing. I am delighted that they’ve had the rewards and delighted for those supporters who have continued to give us that positive backing. We need them, particularly when you look at how the flow of the game changed in the second half. It’s encouraging for us and we will make the most of a free week because there’s been no midweek game. We haven’t had many of them this season and we won’t get many in the months ahead. We will utilise that properly and be ready to go against Lincoln.”

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