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Rallying Call


With only six games to go in the season Charlie Methven has issued a rally call as push for promotion: “Quite rightly, the Sunderland fanbase is asking everyone at the club - the directors, management, players, and staff - to do absolutely everything within our power to push us over the line and secure automatic promotion. I can’t tell you the determination within the club to do just that. If we don’t make it, it will not be for the lack of trying - I promise you that. And in return I would just ask every fan to do whatever they can to help, too. We are in a very competitive environment right now playing against other clubs, in some cases quite big clubs, who have got various things to play for and if you look at the ticket returns it is obvious that Coventry are bringing an enormous following. I just hope that every Sunderland fan out there who is just thinking at the back of their mind ‘should I go, shouldn’t I go, might I go, might I not go’, decides to come and be part of making a difference to their football club. Sat at home, you cannot make a difference to your football club but if you and 1-2,000 other people turn up and make some noise and get behind our players and get on the backs of the opposition, you can make a difference.

“When we came here last summer we were told as owners, and Jack was told, your baseline job is to put a team of players out who give 100 percent. And I think that whatever else can be levelled at the club and the team and the individual players, I don’t think anyone can disagree that there has been 100 percent effort out there on the pitch. The other side of the deal was that the fans would come out in their numbers and give their club the support it deserves, and they have certainly done that. But now we are at the end stage of the season and I’m asking every fan who is able to come to the Stadium of Light and support us, to do just that in these final three games.”

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