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Let’s Do This

Updated: Aug 8, 2023


As I sit here, dosed up on Lemsip and sniffing an Olbas Oil infused tissue, it's about six hours until our home game against Gillingham. I've been debating whether to write but feel it's my duty so here goes…

I've largely avoided Twitter these past few days, it's been quite a divisive platform with fans arguing amongst themselves, slinging insults at each other. Those who call for positivity and support are labelled happy clappers and those demanding more of our players and manager toxic fans. The truth is, we all want our team to succeed and we're all desperate for our beloved SAFC to get out of this league, this season.

Here's what I do know though - as a season ticket holder for the past seven years, I along with my fellow fans and supporters, have witnessed good and bad times. A constant fight for survival in the Premier League season after season was tough to take but a Wembley cup final and six derby wins were things to rejoice. At all those derby games, never once did I hear a boo or fans being vocal in their frustration at a miss placed pass. At Wembley, when City equalised, there was nothing to be heard other than our fans singing throughout. The atmosphere at the SOL for every derby game was electric - how could any team perform to their best against us when faced with fans roaring and singing like that? The Stadium of Light was a fortress for those games and the fans were a huge part of those wins.

Our club is now in the hands of capable, passionate new owners. The difference in and around the club is huge, all credit to them and the staff behind the scenes. Our owners have been transparent with fans about their aims for our club and have delivered on their promises. Is it not our turn to ensure we give the team the best possible atmosphere to perform in?

My hope is this, tonight we all treat this game as a derby. We shout, sing and encourage the lads for the whole 90 minutes, no matter if they score first or not. We know the difference we can make, we've all seen it! We need the lads to perform their best, tonight and for the remaining 15 games. Let's help them every step of the way.

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