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El Presidente

Updated: Aug 4, 2023


Following on from selling his cannabis business for £220m, Sunderland director Juan Sartori will now run as a presidential candidate in the 2019 Uruguayan elections. The 37-year-old is set to represent the right-wing National Party under a campaign called 'Uruguay for Change'.

In other news, poor Billy Jones has been chatting about his 'horrible' experiences at the Stadium of Light. The full-back, now at Rotherham, spent three years at Sunderland, during which time he was constantly injured, or shit. Speaking about his time at Sunderland, he said: “It was obviously horrible being part of that, personally.”

Jack Ross feels that Alim Ozturk is finally showing his worth to the squad after a couple of impressive performances. “I had a conversation with him after the Bradford game, to say how pleased I was that he had made a contribution,” says Ross. “I spoke to him at the end of last week, I know Alim from having worked with him before (Ross was on the Heart of Midlothian coaching staff when Ozturk played there) and his temperament is good. He’s a good character, he’s got no issues. Obviously, he wants to play but he knows he has to be patient and take his opportunities when they come up. Those were his words to me and it’s pleasing to see that mentality taking hold in the squad. But it’s nice for him to contribute. It’s okay me giving him praise but it’s good for him to contribute on the pitch. He’ll have come away on Saturday knowing that he was part of it, knowing that he’d done his part in dealing with the balls into the box.”

Ross also had a few kind words for Reece James: “Reece is the best example of it (the need for patience), where he’d found himself a few weeks ago because of Bryan’s form and Denver’s emergence,” says Ross. “He had hadn’t done an awful lot wrong, but these guys were ahead of him all of a sudden. But he knew the chance could come and his performance at Bradford (his third league start for Sunderland) was reflective of that, he played like he knew he had to take his chance. His performance was good considering he’s still playing catch-up a little bit, and I think he’s one who will get better. That’s pleasing for him.”

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