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Updated: Jul 28, 2023


Stewart Donald broke the Sunderland twitter sphere once again yesterday, in an interview with ALS he signalled his intent to get messages to fans through the traditional fanzines and the new media. There is an awful lot to pick apart from what he said and I guess as a voice representing fans we have a responsibility to question what our man in charge says. At the risk of bringing down the wrath of people who understandably have the red carpet rolled out I’m taking on that mantle.

The first thing that came out from those interviews was the absolute desire to make the club sustainable. After throwing money hand over fist at a seemingly endless scar this is welcome news. Let’s have some business sense about this. Let’s move away from mercenaries and get people who will accept a lower wage because they get to play for Sunderland. The biggest club in the division (and probably the division above).

Let’s get young players. Let’s get players who see this as an opportunity to be a bit of a legend even if that is in League One. Everything Donald said made it clear that players in League One should see it as a privilege to play for Sunderland. He is entirely correct. It absolutely should be a privilege. The fact that our existing squad do not recognise that is probably testament to the work of agents.

One thing did also come out. In all of this I have asked “why us?”. Why would a man with no connection to the city bring his mate, who is a PR guru, to take over Sunderland. A city that before now was probably no more than what most people from south of Darlington think of Sunderland.

Yes, Stewart Donald is a football man. Yes, he wants to build a great club. He is, however, a businessman. He talked of his plans. Stewart Donald clearly said that Sunderland could rise again and, when that happens, the connections that Sartori has may enable him to bring in investment which will allow us to compete with an Abramovich.

That is stunning ambition and it mirrors the belief that we have as Sunderland fans. We could be huge. He needs to get the launchpad right though. All the noises coming out suggest he knows what is needed. Hopefully he will see them through. This is the big gamble. This is the big ticket for Stewart Donald. Take care of our club Stewart. It’s the only one we have, do it right and you could become a legend.

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