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Debut Delight!


Debutant Luke Molyneux has described making his bow for the Lads as “incredible”. The 20 year old, who has been on the club's books since the age of 14, grabbed himself an assist in a memorable day on Wearside. He explained: “It was a dream come true for me really. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been brought up to be a Sunderland supporter, so to get the chance to play for the club at the Stadium of Light was incredible. My grandad’s a season-ticket holder – he has been for years – and it makes him proud to see me out there. All my family came and sat together behind the goal, but my grandad said he didn’t want to move because he wanted to stay where his season ticket is. I noticed him at the side of the pitch. I made sure I got my shirt all signed by the rest of the lads. I’ll be keeping that one. I feel like I’ve had a decent season. I scored quite a lot of goals for the Under-23s, although the injury obviously took out a large part of my season. To come back and get the goals was great, and then to make my debut at this late a stage was incredible really.”

Luke was informed that he’d be starting on Sunday just 5 minutes before the game: “It was literally five minutes before kick-off when I was told. Kaz got injured, and I was told it would be me who was stepping up. I didn’t really have chance to think about it or get my head around it, I just needed to get on with it. “To be honest, that was probably a good thing. You don’t really think about it or dwell on it, you just know that you need to get on with it and get your head right. It’s crazy really. When the fans are like that, it’s amazing. Living up here with loads of fans who are family and friends, I obviously know what everyone has been going through. But when they’re like that, they give you a massive boost. No matter how you’re playing, they always help you get through the game.”

Robbie Stockdale had no hesitation in sticking Molyneux on at such short notice as he looks to the youth in planning the future of the club. He said: “You can’t really plan how the game goes, it was a nice one to put him into. He’s trained with us quite a lot, with about ten minutes to go I pulled him over and said, get ready to go on. He said, ‘I’ve been ready for about ten minutes’. The thing was when the time came he wasn’t actually, he was still doing his boots up! He’s a really mature boy, he’s got his GCSE exams this week so there’s plenty on his plate, he hadn’t trained this week because he had to be at school. With the right mentors around him he’ll do well.”

Stockdale on the rest of the young lads: “If they came back into pre-season and impress whoever is in the hot seat, it is no secret that we’ll probably have to bring, in how many players? Loads - 14 is not a bad roundabout figure. So if these young lads come in and catch the eye it might just give them a chance to be starters at the start of the season.”

In other news it looks like Stuart Donald’s takeover of SAFC has edged a little closer as his company ‘Madrox Partners Limited’ was registered with Companies House. Madrox is believed to be in reference to both Madrid and Oxford United. Madrid because of the alleged Spanish element of the consortium and Donald’s beloved Oxford, in which he holds a 10% stake. Other members of Madrox include, Donald himself, Charlie Methven (a PR expert), a company called Cornfield Enterprises Limited, and finally Dragon PR Limited.

Lee Howey, Lee Howey, Lee Howey... The Owner Is a...

Former SAFC player Lee Howey has taken to Twitter to launch a scathing attack on potential new owner Stewart Donald. The defender has accused the former Eastleigh owner of sticking his nose into team selection and reckons he may not have the financial clout that many Sunderland fans have hoped. He Tweeted: "Happy Bank Holiday everyone, but I may spoil it with news from SoL.... the consortium and Mr Donald is far from done and may not be as good as we all hoped. We may be getting a control freak. Heard Ronnie Moore left Eastleigh as Mr Donald wanted to pick the team. I understand that it is Mr Donald who will take over with investors to follow... If we get to Championship then Prem. Again I will stress it's only what I am hearing - lets not get carried away until this has been ratified. Sorry for p***ing people off who think I'm negative but if I believe that the person taking over my/our club has no real backing but taking a chance then why not express an opinion. If I'm wrong then I have to see what's best Short or Donald then decide... I want the best."

In reply to the tweet Donald said: "Everyone is entitled to their opinion tbf if that's what he thinks then fair enough. What he thinks not is not as important as what he thinks at the end of my involvement - that is when I should be judged. Subject to the EFL agreeing of course."


To celebrate being complete and utter shite once again, we’re bringing bring back this classic t-shirt from the 05/06 season. Looking back to those halcyon days under Mick McCarthy when we managed to amass an incredible 15 points to see us relegated from the Premier League.

Don’t worry we will reach those lofty heights again but until then we can take comfort in the fact that we’re all... still here when we are shit! Hardcore fans and Sunderland till we die, whichever league we are in and whoever owns the club. Players, manager and chairman come and go. Fans remain. We are the club… click here to view product

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