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Donald's Spectacular Deal

Updated: Jul 28, 2023


Stewart Donald reckons he has a "spectacular deal" to take over our club. He said: "If the deal's allowed to go through, it will be a spectacular one and a dream. I've had offers from other clubs and never taken them seriously. Sunderland is a different kettle of fish. There's a lot to sort out on the financial side still. But straight away it really whet my whistle. Previously, when the interest first emerged, I was a makeweight in a deal. But in football things can change pretty quickly. I've just got to be part of this. It's an unbelievable place to play football. I've got the funds required to give it a go. Hopefully it will go through as I just can't wait. I can't say too much at this stage other than it will be a challenge. It's a big job, but you've just got to live it and breath it and I'm unbelievably excited."

Meanwhile, Martin O’Neill has been chatting about Sunderland’s fall from grace to League One. O’Neill had the highest win percentage under Short’s tenure, but was fired, like so many others. He said: “I don’t think anybody would have expected them to have fallen straight down from the division,” O’Neill said. “Their hopes and expectations at the start of the season would have been to get back into the Premier League again. So to drop through to what was the old third division is extremely poor. It is a great club and they have absolutely fantastic support, there is no doubt about that. It has been a really frustrating time. It has been a frustrating time for a number of seasons now. Just staying in the Premier League seems to have been what they were doing for a number of years and then they dropped out of it. To go through it is just catastrophic but I think they are capable (of bouncing back). If there is new owners there is no doubt that they will have that ambition to drive on again and it is probably a good time to take over.”

Elsewhere, Dwight Yorke reckons that Chris Coleman's spell at Sunderland was rubbish and that he can do better, in fact he wants the manager’s job! He’s always been a bit mad. Yorke said: "I have tried to get it before. I got a call back and it was like a courtesy call saying we got your CV, but they went for Chris. I can’t knock the appointment of Chris because of what he had done with Wales, but I still believe for all of the experience of what he has done, he had 25 games to turn that football club around. He failed miserably. For someone of his experience and knowhow and what he was supposed to bring to that football club, I know Chris and I like Chris, but that is a massive, massive disappointment not keeping Sunderland in the Championship. Getting relegated to Division One? That is unacceptable. Chris is a nice guy and I am sure he will get another job in England because everybody will vouch for him and say what a fantastic manager he is, but if that was me I wouldn’t get another job. I’d love that job. If I was to get that job in League One and I don’t get them promoted I shouldn’t be at the football club. I think that is as fair as you can possibly be. I don’t want a four-year contract or any of that business, I want to be rewarded for my achievements. I am prepared to take that risk, a risk I feel I can overcome. I just need to be given a chance to bring in the people around me to work with the football club. I am just concerned about getting the results for this football club to get it back into the Championship and advancing from there. But ultimately, if I was given that chance with that team with my mentality, my philosophy, I am sure I would get that football club back in the Championship - without a doubt."

To celebrate being complete and utter shite once again, we’re bringing bring back this classic t-shirt from the 05/06 season. Looking back to those halcyon days under Mick McCarthy when we managed to amass an incredible 15 points to see us relegated from the Premier League.

Don’t worry we will reach those lofty heights again but until then we can take comfort in the fact that we’re all... still here when we are shit! Hardcore fans and Sunderland till we die, whichever league we are in and whoever owns the club. Players, manager and chairman come and go. Fans remain. We are the club… click here to view product

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